Recent and projected increases in global temperatures, associated changes in regional moisture, and changes in the frequency of extreme climatic events have raised concerns about potential rapid
Ken Kodama’s reputation as a preeminent geophysicist and expert in paleomagnetism was affirmed earlier this month when he delivered the Edward Bullard Lecture at the annual meeting of the American
For years, scientists have known that human activities that burn fossil fuels like coal and oil are pumping carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere much faster than it is removed by natural
Kenneth Kodama knows that rocks retain a faithful record of the magnetic field, a fact that has had a tremendous variety of applications, including the reconstruction of continental positions
River systems support industry, agriculture, and the infrastructure that helps drive modern society. The world’s regional climates are influenced by water, and local responses to climate change are
Global peatlands store large amounts of carbon within a few meters of the atmosphere, and the peatland-atmosphere carbon exchange is of major interest to global change scientists, including Zicheng
